
The CEO as Chief Public Speaker

CEO as chief speaker
The Many Roles of the CEO

• Leader and Chief Role Model
• Corporate Culture Setter
• Chief Marketing Person
• Chief Sales Person
• Chief Mapmaker
• Chief Trust Builder
• Chief Public Speaker

If you are the CEO of your organization
Your staff, the industry and the public are watching you. When you hide we wonder why? What might you be hiding? As CEO you must be putting your best foot and face forward often. We need to hear your message. We are watching you – what you do, say and how you say it. Put your face and message in front of your staff, your clients and the market place. And each time you do – do it with intent.

We want to know who we can trust
Can we trust your organization? To answer that question we need to know you. Can we trust you? We expect you to be ethical, open and available. If you are not, then we don’t believe that you are adding value to us. We quickly punish organizations that abuse our trust.

Why should the CEO speak in public?
It allows the public to put a face to your company. And we prefer to deal with people instead of faceless corporations. It will help to build confidence with customers, investors, suppliers and staff. MBWA goes much farther then hanging around the water cooler. It might offer you free publicity to get your message out with far more credibility than advertising.

How to improve your return on investment
Invest in the skill development of you and your key people. Invest in presentation skills coaching for your CEO. Invest in presentation skills training for all your key executives. Invest in communication skills training for your managers and sales professionals. Work with George Torok, The Speech Coach for Executives to train your executives for maximum return on investment.

You can call George Torok for a private consultation at 905-335-1997
If you reach his private voice mail – please say the best times and number to reach you.You can learn more at

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