
Think on your Feet

Think on your Feet

Do you wish that you could think on your feet? Have you considered that it might not be a good idea to think on your feet? My advice to you is that you should not think on your feet.

I repeat – you should NOT think on your feet.

You should speak on your feet – but you should not think on your feet. Why? Because people who attempt to think on their feet usually do not think – they simply speak on their feet without thinking.

Many people who attempt to think on their feet often embarrass themselves because they speak without thinking. Speakers who you believe to be thinking on their feet are simply finding familiar patterns and selecting from past experience or prepared statements. That’s the secret.

Please do not think on your feet. Instead, you should think before you speak on your feet.

How do you avoid thinking on your feet? Prepare. Consider all the possible questions and interruptions before you speak. If you think before you speak, when you stand up to speak all you need to do is select on your feet. Select from the possible outcomes that you previously considered and select from the responses that you rehearsed.

Most people are not good at thinking on their feet. But it is a lot easier to select (multiple choice) on your feet. If you have thought about possible questions and possible answers before you speak then it is simply a matter of selecting from the options that you already prepared.

The best speakers and negotiators plan for all the possible issues before they speak. Think and rehearse before you speak. Then when you stand up to speak you don’t need to think on your feet. You can speak and select on your feet.

Thinking before you get on your feet will result in far more successful presentations for you.

Think – rehearse – stand – then speak.

Do not think on your feet.

George Torok
Business Speaker
Speech Coach for Executives

Presentation Skills Trainer

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