
Presentation Insights from George Torok

Presentation Insights from George Torok

Enjoy these pithy presentation insights from George Torok. Use the ideas that resonate well with you. If you reprint these insights or quote them – be sure to credit George Torok as your source.

George Torok is a presentation specialist who simplifies powerful presentation principles and shows you how to be a more effective presenter.

If you like what you read and would like to work directly with George Torok contact him at 905-335-1997.

The more we see you speak in public – the more we believe you to be a leader.

If you attempt to present yourself as perfect – we will not believe you and we will hate you. We like you when we see that you are imperfect like we are.

We love to hear stories. We don’t need another lecture. Just ask your kids.

Your audience will remember how they felt about you. They will forget your name and your message.

Smile when you start, when you finish and when you say something important.

Do not attempt to think on your feet. Instead be prepared with a menu of options. Then you only need to select. Thinking on your feet is too dangerous. Your feet are for running – not for thinking.

PowerPoint! Yuk! No one changes minds, leads people or makes the sale because of PowerPoint. But a lot of presenters annoyed their audiences with their PowerPoint.

For more presentation insights from George Torok read his articles on this website, read Secrets of Power Presentations or call him to work with him directly. 905-335-1997

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