
Presentation: Clarify your expertise

Presentation: Clairify your expertise

When speaking to a group - being clear on what you don't know helps clairify what you do know. Don't pretend to be the all-seeing know-it-all.

This tip from customer service expert, Jeff Mowatt, says it well.

What I DO know is...
"My ears perked up recently when I heard a politician who, during a radio interview, made a statement that included the phrasing, “I don’t profess to be knowledgeable in all areas of… What I DO know is…” I found myself thinking, Wow – he’s honest and smart. Ironic how admitting up front what you don’t know actually increases your credibility when you make a statement about what you do believe. The technique itself is easy. The challenge is - are we secure enough and humble enough to admit we don’t have all the answers."

Jeff Mowatt

About award-winning speaker, Jeff Mowatt, BComm., CSP
Jeff Mowatt is the bestselling author of the books, Becoming a Service Icon in 90 Minutes a Month (for managers), and Influence with Ease (for professionals who interact with customers). As a customer service strategist, Jeff's Influence with Ease® column has been syndicated and featured in over 200 business publications. To help professionals put ideas into action, Jeff heads his own training company and has produced 4 multimedia training kits. An award winning international speaker, Jeff is among the top 7% of professional speakers in the International Federation for Professional Speakers to achieve their highest designation - Certified Speaking Professional (CSP). For more Influence with Ease® tips, training resources, and information about engaging Jeff for your team, call 1-800-JMowatt (566-9288), or visit


George Torok
Speech Coach for Executives
Free Presentation Tips

Executive Speech Coach, Business presentation tips from George Torok, the Speech Coach for Executives.

Presentation: Pecha Kucha

Presentation: Pecha Kucha: Get to the PowerPoint in 20 Slides

This Pecha Kucha thing is different and interesting. If you present with PowerPoint - watch this video. If you have suffered through Death by PowerPoint - watch this video and send it to others.

Too many presenters get lost in their PowerPoint presentations. This Pecha Kucha technique can help focus the presentation. It's from Japan. It's new. And it's a good idea.

Imagine delivering a presentatin with only 20 PowerPoint Slides in under seven minutes. Watch this vide on Pecha Kucha to see how it can be done.

George Torok

Business Presenter

Executive Speech Coach

Executive Speech Coach, Business presentation tips from George Torok, the Speech Coach for Executives.

Presentation: Quotes & Insights

Presentation: Quotes & Insights
Compiled for you by George Torok

Enjoy and repeat (with accreditation) these quotes and insights on communication.

Broadly speaking, the short words are the best, and the old words best of all.
Sir Winston Churchill

If the English language made any sense, a catastrophe would be an apostrophe with fur.
Doug Larson

He can compress the most words into the smallest ideas of any man I ever met.
Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865)

We have too many high sounding words, and too few actions that correspond with them.
Abigail Adams (1744 - 1818), letter to John Adams, 1774

A man thinks that by mouthing hard words he understands hard things.
Herman Melville (1819 - 1891)

Words have a longer life than deeds.
Pindar (522 BC - 443 BC), Nemean Odes

Drawing on my fine command of the English language, I said nothing.
Robert Benchley (1889 - 1945)

No one has a finer command of language than the person who keeps his mouth shut.
Sam Rayburn (1882 - 1961)

I understand a fury in your words,But not the words.
William Shakespeare (1564 - 1616), "Othello", Act 4 scene 2

Think like a wise man but communicate in the language of the people.
William Butler Yeats (1865 - 1939)

Speak properly, and in as few words as you can, but always plainly; for the end of speech is not ostentation, but to be understood.
William Penn (1644 - 1718)

Discretion in speech is more than eloquence.
Sir Francis Bacon (1561 - 1626)

If you would persuade, you must appeal to interest rather than intellect.
Benjamin Franklin

Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment.
Benjamin Franklin

Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools, because they have to say something. Plato

Most speakers are afraid of silence. It is so powerful.
Peter Urs Bender author, Secrets of Power Presentations

When you deliver your speech, the only person who hears every word is you.
George Torok, Executive Speech Coach

George Torok
Executive Speech Coach
Presentation Skills Training
Motivational Speaker

Executive Speech Coach, Business presentation tips from George Torok, the Speech Coach for Executives.

Presentation Resource: This day in history

Presentation Resource: This day in history

Here is a great resource for your presentation. Give your meeting or presentation greater significance by relating your presentation to the significance of this day in history. Most of us love history trivia.

This website is a great resoure to search for what happened on this day in history.

This Day in History

June 6, 1944
On this day in 1944, Supreme Allied Commander General Dwight D. Eisenhower gives the go-ahead for largest amphibious military operation in hist...

George Torok
Presentation Coach
Presentation Articles

Executive Speech Coach, Business presentation tips from George Torok, the Speech Coach for Executives.

Presentation Feedback: Is it all valid?

Presentation Feedback: Is it all valid?

After delivering my “Secrets of Success” presentation at a conference last week I received some unusual feedback. The woman told me that she was offended by me. That is the first time I have heard that feedback so naturally I asked her, “What was it that I did or said that offended you?”

She first remarked that she was surprised at how calmly I took that criticism. However she was unable to pinpoint anything specific about my actions or words.

Her comment was in stark contrast to the comments from several others. They commented on my stories, style and relevance. When people give me a vague compliment I ask them to be specific because I want to know what is working.

Despite the overwhelming positive feedback that one negative comment nagged at me for a few days. I reviewed my presentation to search for what I might have done.

Finally I let it go and decided to ignore the comment. Sometimes you can’t please everybody and it’s not your fault.

I gave it one last mental review before I flushed the comment. My presentation, Secrets of Success, was aimed at business owners – especially entrepreneurs. The audience was ninety percent entrepreneurs. The ones who commented favorably on my presentation were entrepreneurs. The one negative comment came from a person who was a software trainer – an employee – not an entrepreneur.

So if that one person was offended but could not indentify the cause then it didn’t matter because she was not my target audience.

I mentioned this comment to two of my friends who are professional speakers. Both responded, “Don’t worry about it.”

Three lessons relearned:

Not all presentation feedback is valid.

Some audience members are more important than others.

Some one will always dislike you or your presentation.

George TorokPresentation Skills Training
Presentation Coaching
Motivational Business Speaker

Executive Speech Coach, Business presentation tips from George Torok, the Speech Coach for Executives.