
8 Presentation Flaws that Steal Your Money

8 Presentation Flaws that Steal Your Money

Why should you care about your presentation skills? Because poor presentations cost you money. Want to close more deals? Improve your presentation skills.

There are no perfect presentations and no perfect presenters. That means that every presenter could be better – if they want to be. There are three types of presenters:

  1. Bad and don’t know it
  2. Bad and don’t care
  3. Concerned and taking steps to improve

Effective presentations are the result of good presentation skills in action. Skills are improved by understanding the principles, practicing the techniques and getting constructive feedback from a skilled coach. Tiger Woods follows this formula to stay hot.

Have you ever wondered why some presentations are so painful to sit through and others can be delightful? Here are some of the presentation flaws that I’ve witnessed at recent industry conferences.

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George Torok
Toronto Presentation Skills Coaching
Toronto Business Speaker

Executive Speech Coach, Business presentation tips from George Torok, the Speech Coach for Executives.


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