Can you recall a recent conversation where you assumed you
understood the other person and you messed up because you assumed wrong?
One piece of the puzzle seldom shows you the whole picture.
Assumption seems to be the biggest cause of failed
That’s curious because it happens often yet we keep
repeating our mistakes.
The first step to overcome assumption is to listen without
judging or jumping to conclusions. The next step is to ask for clarification
and listen carefully. The next step might be to check your understanding one
more time.
When you what to clarify your understanding first ask an
open question and listen. Then ask a closed question or state your
understanding and listen.
Why might people assume?
They believe they can read your mind.
They want to demonstrate eagerness by getting started.
They want to impress you.
They didn’t listen and don’t want you to know.
They believe that they are saving time by not asking you to explain.
They are insecure about your relationship.
They don’t want to spend any more time in your presence.
They are intimidated by you.
They are overeager to please you.
They don’t know how to ask good questions.
They believe that they should know and are afraid to ask
They believe that motion is action.
They see themselves as a victim.
They think that you might be testing their knowledge.
Of course those are only my assumptions.
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Executive Speech Coach, Business presentation tips from George Torok, the Speech Coach for Executives
Good post! It is important that we listen to the speaker so we don't have to make them repeat what they say. If something is unclear, we can always ask questions at the end of every speech.