
Open Your Presentation Like Restaurant Greeters

How to open your speech?

The opening to a speech is often overlooked - yet it is so important because it is the first impression that the audience has of you and your presentation.

The two fellows on my right were the greeters at a middle eastern restaurant. They served as perfect examples of what the opening of your presentation should do.

Think of your presentation opening as the store-front or lobby of a retail shop.

The opening of your presentation should do these three things:

  • Grab Attention
  • Build Rapport
  • Set Direction

When we entered this restaurant these two greeters grabbed our attention with their colourful costumes and contrasting size.

They built rapport with their smiles, bowing and gestures of welcome.

They set the direction for the experience that we could expect from this restaurant with their welcoming presentation. We knew that we were in for an exotic experience that would go beyond good food.

That's what the opening to your presentation needs to do - every time you speak.

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Executive Speech Coach, Business presentation tips from George Torok, the Speech Coach for Executives

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