
Don’t End Your Presentation on “Thank You”

Close your presentation strong

There’s nothing wrong about saying “thank you” to your audience. But don’t end on those words because “thank you” is a weak close.

The purpose of the close to your presentation is to reinforce the key message. People tend to remember the last thing they heard. You might believe that they heard your entire presentation word-for-word – but they didn’t. They also forget most of what they heard. There is a good chance that they’ll remember your close if you deliver it well.

Think of your presentation as real estate. To succeed in real estate, you will need to remember the rule “Location, location, location”.

When delivering a presentation, the prime real estate is in your opening and in your close.

If you set up your close well, most people will listen better because it’s almost over. They might feel obligated to at least listen to your close.

Just imagine that your close is the only thing that your audience heard. What important words do you want them to remember? It’s probably not “thank you”.

You probably want them to act. End strong and use words that motivate them in the direction that you want.

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Many speakers end on “thank you” because they didn’t prepare a strong close and “thank you” is the only way they can convey to the audience that they have finished.

If you believe that ending on “thank you” is polite, consider this. Your speech or presentation has value for your audience – otherwise there’s no point in speaking. You give the gift of your value to the audience. If they are polite, they will thank you with their applause. Then you can say “thank you” for the gift of their applause.

You don’t need to thank them for listening because they will only listen if it’s in their best interest. They will never listen as a favor to you.

Consider this. The silliest way to end this post is with a “thank you for reading”. I won’t do that, and now you know why.

Close your presentation strong.

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Executive Speech Coach, Business presentation tips from George Torok, the Speech Coach for Executives

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