
What is the best way to rehearse my presentation?

Presentation Skills Question:
What is the best way to rehearse my presentation?

Presentation Skills Expert:

Two parts to this answer:

1. Rehearse your presentation on your feet at least three times as close to the manner in which you will deliver it as possible.

2. Although you might practise your presentation from start to finish - you should also practise it in modules. This helps train your brain to recover when you get lost or to cut something out to save time. And practise your opening and close more than the other parts so you can deliver these important parts strong.

George Torok

Presentation Skills Success

Executive Speech Coach, Business presentation tips from George Torok, the Speech Coach for Executives.


8 Presentation Flaws that Steal Your Money

8 Presentation Flaws that Steal Your Money

Why should you care about your presentation skills? Because poor presentations cost you money. Want to close more deals? Improve your presentation skills.

There are no perfect presentations and no perfect presenters. That means that every presenter could be better – if they want to be. There are three types of presenters:

  1. Bad and don’t know it
  2. Bad and don’t care
  3. Concerned and taking steps to improve

Effective presentations are the result of good presentation skills in action. Skills are improved by understanding the principles, practicing the techniques and getting constructive feedback from a skilled coach. Tiger Woods follows this formula to stay hot.

Have you ever wondered why some presentations are so painful to sit through and others can be delightful? Here are some of the presentation flaws that I’ve witnessed at recent industry conferences.

Read the rest of "8 Presentation Flaws that Steal Your Money"

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George Torok
Toronto Presentation Skills Coaching
Toronto Business Speaker

Executive Speech Coach, Business presentation tips from George Torok, the Speech Coach for Executives.


Daily Presentation Skills Tips on Twitter

For short snappy Presentation Skills Tips follow me on Twitter at

Some of these tips are good reminders. Some are ah-ah insights. Some offer creative ideas and simple short cuts to presentation greatness. All of these presentation tips will help you be a better presenter every day.

Recent Presentation Tips on Twitter/PresentationsGo

Rehearse your favorite movie or TV lines to capture the passion – you’re fired – say hello to my little friend – I’ll be back – Adrian!

Put feeling into words that naturally lend themselves to emotion: family, Christmas, freedom, grandma, home, first prize, baby, vacation

Improve your public speaking skills by learning the principles, practising the techniques and getting constructive coaching.

Public speaking is the ability to speak well in public. Also our most commonly shared fear. Ergo it only takes small improvements to shine

Toastmasters is a non-profit association that teachs the fundametals of presentation skills. They helped me.

If you want to be a better presenter, read books on presentations skills, take a seminar, work with a coach and/or attend Toastmasters.

Ellen Finkelstein wrote a comprehsive analysis of Obama's health care speech

If people like you they accept your errors. It makes you look human and imperfect like they are. Be likeable and imperfect like them.

To follow the daily presentation skills tips read them on Twitter/PresentationsGo

George Torok
Presentation Skills Coaching
Presentation Skills Training

Executive Speech Coach, Business presentation tips from George Torok, the Speech Coach for Executives.


Funny Audience

Sometimes it's you - sometimes it's the audience

I spoke to a group today that loved to laugh. Was I funny, engaging and entertaining? Yes. And the group loved to laugh. They laughed at lines that most other groups didn't. They smiled and encouraged me with their attention and active participation.

It would be easy for me to believe that I was hot. I was very good. The audience was terrific.

Sometimes you and your audience really click. That's heavenly. Bask in the glow when it happens. Don't let it inflate your ego because the next presentation might be tougher. Never think that you can wing it.

George Torok
Presentation Skills Training
Presentation Skills Coaching

Executive Speech Coach, Business presentation tips from George Torok, the Speech Coach for Executives.

Too much information - not enough time

Too much information - not enough time
How to deliver your management report clearly by saying less

You have been asked to present a report to management. You have two hours worth of information but only 20 minutes to speak. What a dilemma! How do you get your message across? How will you decide what to leave out? And will management punish you for leaving something out?

5 to 10 Times Rule
What should you do? If you only have two hours of information then you should only speak for about 12 to 24 minutes. Why? Because if you have two hours of material - then most of it will be irrelevant or boring or both. Follow this rule - you should always have at least 5 to 10 times more information than you present.

If you worked on the project and researched the information, you might easily fall into the trap that everything is important and interesting. After all, you sweated over all the details. And more important to you - you want management to see you as doing a thorough job. You don't want to leave something out because that might make you look as if you don't know everything - or that you didn't do your homework.

Read the rest of Too Much Information...

George Torok
Speach Coach for Executives
Presentation Skills Training

Follow Presentation Tips on Twitter

Executive Speech Coach, Business presentation tips from George Torok, the Speech Coach for Executives.