Your Audience Doesn’t Care About Your Problems

Audience not interested in your problems

Yet, too many speakers start their presentation with their personal tale of woe.

The speaker started his presentation by telling us that he travelled from the west coast across three time zones and arrived around midnight. He went to the wrong hotel because he didn’t clarify that information before he travelled.

Was he looking for sympathy because of his stupidity? Was he hoping to gain rapport because he travelled? Meanwhile I was remembering that I had recently travelled half way around the world across nine time zones to speak. I didn’t bore my audiences with my personal pain and lack of sleep because they didn’t care.

Why did this speaker think that his audience cared about his travel challenges?

Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Stop crying to your audience. Deliver your message.

Executive Speech Coach, Business presentation tips from George Torok, the Speech Coach for Executives.Share/Save/Bookmark

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