Six Words to Summarize Your Presentation

Can you summarize your presentation in six words? If you know your message, you can state it in a few words. If you need 30 minutes to explain it, then you really don’t know it. What would you do if the decision maker said, “You have six words – go.”

Enjoy these six word presentation summaries:

Buy low, sell high, discover how

Stop wasting money on expensive advertising

Join us for weekly breakfast networking

Think about it before you speak

Never, never give up. Call us

Don’t drink and drive. Arrive alive

Find the right mate for you

You can fight cancer. Donate today

Success is simple but not easy

Problems are opportunities but often overlooked

Love your customers. Attract them back

Buying insurance sucks. Being without devastates

Seatbelts saves lives, maybe yours

Help those who can’t help themselves.

Relax. Enjoy. You are getting older.

Don’t stop questioning. We need you.

Imagine, say it in six words

Add your six word message below.

Presentation Tips on Twitter Presentation Skills Club on Facebook
Executive Speech Coach, Business presentation tips from George Torok, the Speech Coach for Executives

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