To be perfectly honest

The speaker responded to the question with that phrase.
I didn’t hear the rest of the answer because I was wondering why the speaker needed to state that now she would be perfectly honest.

I wondered how honest or dishonest was she when she answered previous questions.

I wondered about her understanding on the difference between honest and perfectly honest.

I wondered about when she wasn’t perfectly honest how imperfectly honest was she.

Naturally, I assumed that the speaker wasn't honest at all.

Why would a speaker say "To be perfectly honest" or "To tell the truth"? The only reason that I can think of is that they usually are dishonest and don't tell the truth.

So are you going to be honest with me - or tell that you will be honest with me?

If you tell me when you are honest - will you also tell me when you are dishonest? Or should I just assume that dishonesty is your norm?

George Torok

Presentation Skills Training

Presentation Skills Success

Executive Speech Coach, Business presentation tips from George Torok, the Speech Coach for Executives.


Executive Coach said...

LOL! This reminds me of my first speech coach. Way back in Junior college. He told us never apologize for anything because that would be what the audience would focus on.

Fred Elliott Miller said...

Good Post, George.
