If leaders in general and political leaders in particular need to be powerful speakers, then Caroline Kennedy is not ready to lead.
Listen to this interview with Caroline Kennedy. I dare you to subject yourself to listening more than once. I appears that the US has found it's new tool of torture - listening to Caroline "you know" Kennedy speak for two minutes.
Listen to this interview and try counting the "you knows". Before you start, write down a number of "you knows" that you think would be acceptable for the average person to use in a two minutes. Then compare this with the actual.
How many "you knows" did you count. I got 30 - plus at least 5 ahs.
And what about that voice. It sounds tired and detached.
Do you even remember what she said? Her words are disjointed. What was her message? What is she passionate about? Would you follow this speaker?
Now there is a challenge for some speaking coach - "How to teach Caroline to speak like a Kennedy?"
Apparently Guantanomo is being closed and the US will not engage in any form of inhumane torture. Sorry Caroline - there goes that gig too.
George Torok
Speech Coach for Executives
Executive Speech Coach, Business presentation tips from George Torok, the Speech Coach for Executives.
Someone suggested that I might have been too harsh on Caroline Kennedy.
That person is partly right. I was harsh - much more harsh than I would ever be with my clients. However public figures are open season to critism. That includes entertainers and politicians.
I just can't believe how bad that Caroline is as a presenter.
Certainly as a public speaker Caroline would be consider poor in this instance but, what she was involved in here was a 'casual' interview. In that context I could accept her views. Yes, the 'you knows' got a bit out of control for a person who presumably had a good education, that was a let down for sure.
However, had she been making an inaugural address with millions of onlookers, I'm sure she would have had her speech professionally prepare, just as I am sure that Obama would have been equally casual if he was sitting in a restaurant having a somewhat private chat.
Overall, I think the comparison of the two speakers was unfair to say the least. The contexts, (never mind the speakers) of the two people concerned were akin to comparing apples and oranges.
I think it was a cheap shot at Caroline Kennedy, surely something to be avoided in public comment or speaking.
Thanks for your comment. I respect your opinion.
I agree with some of it.
It is in casual conversation that you see how good a person is as a speaker.
Thanks for your comment. I respect your opinion.
I agree with some of it.
It is in casual conversation that you see how good a person is as a speaker.
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