Presentations tips for executives, sales presenters, managers, technical experts and professionals from the "Speech Coach for Executives" George Torok
Presentations: Tell a Short Story
That is a common remark from my speech coaching clients.
And a common trap. The presenter wrongly believes that what she wants to say is so important that there is no time for fluff.
The reality is that no one really listens to what you say – until it is interesting to them. It is interesting to them when it grabs them – when it involves them – when they are in your presentation.
So, tell a story that puts them in the picture. The story could be as long as a few minutes or as short as 20 seconds - as long as it takes to put your listener in the story.
After some prompting, this client then told a wonderful story about a conversation she overheard in the waiting room. It was a heart-warming story. It illustrated a powerful lesson and it took 45 seconds to tell.
She had never told this story before because she did not appreciate the significance of it.
Maybe you can see the irony in someone from the Health Care sector not using the power of personal stories.
Guess What? That executive is now using more personal stories in her presentations. She was also recently selected to pursue an Executive MBA.
How do you express yourself when you present? Are you telling enough personal stories in your presentations?
George Torok
Speech Coach for Executives
“Kramer’s” Tirade: Lessons for Presenters
Whether he is or isn’t a racist is unimportant. He demonstrated racist characteristics in his angry rant and with the words he used. He apologized – but it’s difficult to erase the image of that rant. If it looks like a duck, sounds like a duck and feels like a duck, then it must be a duck. That is the way your audience judges you when you speak.
Tell an off-color joke over a drink with a friend - no big deal; however, do the same thing while presenting to a roomful of people and you will be crucified. It could derail your career, kill a deal or ruin the company.
When you present to an audience you are under extra scrutiny. Everything you do on stage is magnified. If you were boring, folks remember you as very boring. If you looked nervous folks remember you as going to pieces. If you talked down to people you will be remembered as totally arrogant.
The negatives tend to be remembered more than the positives. Did you notice that no one mentioned any of the good jokes that Richards told in that presentation? We just seem to remember painful moments more. Perhaps it is a defense mechanism. “Don’t go to Kramer’s presentations - they are too painful”.
The second lesson is to be prepared for things to go wrong during your presentation.
When a joke fails have a saver line. When your listeners look confused have a different analogy. When your equipment crashes know what you will do. When you make a mistake have a backup ready. That takes forethought, preparation and rehearsal.
The third lesson is to never speak before an audience in anger, fear or desperation. Never!
Please read that last sentence again. Maybe even write it on your notes of every presentation you ever deliver.
Let’s talk about how to deal with anger, fear and desperation in another post on this blog.
George Torok
Speech Coach for Executives
Your Speech has Three Parts
There are three parts to a good presentation. Guess which part bad speakers focus on? The Body. Guess which parts are the most important? The Opening and the Close.
Why are the opening and the close of your speech so important?
The opening is important because this is the first impression you make on your audience. This is your opportunity to grab their attention and establish rapport. Your credibility was established in your introduction (if it was done well).
The close is important to your speech because it is the last image and words they have of you. Thus it is what they are most likely to remember about you.
Picture this opening that I painfully witnessed. The speaker received a boisterous welcome thanks to the enthusiasm of the MC. When the speaker arrived on stage he needed to take the microphone from the MC. They obviously had not talked about nor rehearsed this part. The microphone was a headset. The speaker was clearly unfamiliar and uncomfortable with this type of microphone. As the speaker struggled to get the microphone on he complained that he did not like this and called out to the audience, “can everybody hear me?” He appeared unhappy that the reply was in the negative.
As the speaker struggled with the wire and his jacket, someone called out, “Take it off.” So he removed his jacket while fighting with the wire.
Finally he returned to center stage and mumbled “I wish I could start over again.”
It was a lousy opening to his speech - unprofessional, uninspiring and weak.
What about his close?
It was equally weak – but much shorter.
The speaker announced that he just “got the hook” while he made the cut gesture across his throat. He stated, “Well, that’s it” and left the stage.
A weak opening and a weak close; what a lousy speech - let’s hope that isn’t you.
The opening to your speech is the first impression and your close is the last impression. Make them powerful. The only way you can do that is with proper preparation, and deliberate delivery.
Remember three parts to your speech: Opening – Body – Close. Prepare and deliver all three powerfully - especially the Opening and Close.
George Torok
Speech Coach for Executives
The Power of the Pause
What should you do? more
George Torok
Speech Coach for Executives
Presentation Success
When I ask this question of my audience the answers are usually,
“you get applause”
“they ask questions”
“people stay awake”
“you see them taking notes”
“they laugh at your jokes”
However, none of them is a true indicator of a successful presentation.
No one has yet given me the correct answer to this question. That is curious in itself, because that would suggest if presenters don’t know the definition of a successful presentation they ‘ain’t gonna’ give one.
Definition of a successful presentation:
You gave a successful presentation if, after you presented, the audience is doing, thinking or feeling what you want them to do, think or feel.
I suggest that you read that definition a few times to internalize it
Also, if you know what a successful presentation should be, you might start designing and delivering more successful presentations.
Clarity of purpose is everything.
For more tips on delivering successful presentations read Presentation Skills Success.
George Torok
Speech Coach for Executives
Be a better Public Speaker
How can you be a more effective public speaker?
Say less.
Say it clearer.
Say it with conviction.
George Torok
Executive Speech Coach
PS: the concept is simple. The difficulty is in doing it.
George Torok
Speech Coach for Executives
PowerPoint Exposed
Don’t be seduced by the “ease of use” of PowerPoint. Don’t become a PowerPoint body-snatcher. Don’t check your brains at the door because of PowerPoint.
PowerPoint Sins
PowerPoint Sins, errors, and myths you must avoid when presenting with PowerPoint. Giving presentations is a privilege and opportunity - not a right. Please stop sinning while you present. If you must use PowerPoint or other computer projection – learn these sins and avoid them. Read PowerPoint Sins
Presentation Power does not come from PowerPoint
How do you present yourself with power? Don't be fooled by the name. There is no implied power in PowerPoint. Have you noticed how many presenters use PowerPoint and do not have power? That should be your first clue. PowerPoint is easy-to-use software. It seduces you into believing… Read Presentation Power does not come from PowerPoint
10 Power Tips for Presentations with Computer Projection
When was the last time you sat through a terrible presentation using computer projection? When was the last time you gave one? If you want to avoid disaster and give your career a boost then apply these ten tips the next time you... Read 10 Power Tips for Presentations with Computer Projection
PowerPoint is a registered trademark of Microsoft.
Remember, friends don’t let friends present with PowerPoint without reading the above life-saving articles.
George Torok
Speech Coach for Executives
What they said about George Torok:
“Truly eye-opening and entertaining. A great way to see the clear relevance of effective executive speaking and understand easy, specific ways to improve your own style.”
Carolyn Rush, Regional Vice President Ontario
“George makes everyone feel comfortable together as a group, yet pushes each individual outside of their public speaking comfort zone. Just through watching George present, I am motivated to improve my speaking skills.”
John Kelly, Region Vice President West & Atlantic
“George has an amazing ability to take the mundane and creating it into something engaging yet simple enough to remember and put into practice. Over the years, I have taken classes and read many books on effective speaking; however, George’s class had the most impact on my development. I saw improvement in participating for only 4 hours of his session.”
Messalina Tiro, Vice President Corporate Development
“George is not only a fantastic presenter he is also extremely effective with his time and content delivery. In a couple of hours he delivered several simple tips and techniques that will make me a much better presenter. Attending the “Effective Executive Speaking” course was certainly a great investment in my professional and personal development.”
Talicia Correa, Director of Alumni Relations
“A truly motivating and inspirational presenter. This is my second time to receive training from George and I learn something new every time. The skills and techniques from this course help me every day both personally and professionally. Given the opportunity, I would certainly take a course from George again.”
Juan Panlilio, Director of National Accounts
George Torok
Speech Coach for Executives
Build Trust When You Speak
How can you build more trust when you speak?
Talk slower. It allows listeners to hear and understand you better.
Pause often. It allows people to think about what you said and it demonstrates your confidence in your message.
Look every member of your audience in the eye at some point. We trust you more when you appear to be looking at us. Don’t stare at your notes, the screen, the back wall or the boardroom table. We don't trust a speaker who won't look at us.
Make sure we can see your face clearly. Stand in the light. Don’t obstruct your eyes or mouth. Such actions destroy trust.
Let your audience see your hands. That builds trust. Hiding your hands is a sign of deceit.
And the number one way to build more trust with more people is to smile. A smiling face makes you look more friendly, confident and trustworthy.
The next time you watch a speaker – notice the things she does to build trust or destroy trust.
George Torok
Speech Coach for Executives
Who Trusts You in Your Business?
Body Language
Your body language might be sabotaging you
Your body language might be confusing your audience
What is your body language saying about you?
Your body language might be saying that you are:
Or...your body language might be transmitting that you are:
Your body leaks messages
What is it saying about you?
Do you know the signals?
Do you know how to send the right messages with your body?
George Torok
The Speech Coach for Executives
Exhibits International
As an international leading provider of exhibits for Tradeshows, Museums and Special Events, Exhibits International was recently short-listed for a major US museum project. A complex venture, securing this project was pivotal to the reputation, growth and future success of our company.
I wanted to make certain that through the next stage of the bidding process (in-person presentations), the EI management team could present and project their competencies to the best of their abilities.
Right or wrong, people form a perception about how competent you are by how you present yourself when you stand and speak. They also form perceptions about the company you represent based on your performance. A person who can stand in front of a group, with poise and confidence, can immediately create the perception of expertise and experience.
Your professional and personal approach was designed to impact our senior management team with an implementation method that proves its worth at every stage. You advised us to narrow down our topic, focus on a few key points and speak with confidence.
As you suggested I kept my presentation short, and narrowed it down to only 12 minutes, something I would never have done before working with you. My Production VP, Tom, conveyed both his technical expertise and personality in his brief section of the presentation, just as you coached him. I was impressed, and so was the committee.
In the end, the numbers speak. You demonstrated to us how to cut a 60-minute rambling presentation, into a 12-minute clear, concise and focused presentation that helped us secure a $10 million project. My team now has the knowledge, skill and attitude to present professionally.
George, “Thank You”. I appreciate your expertise, your professionalism and of course, your sense of humour which lead us through some grueling sessions.
Sam Kohn,
Exhibits International
George Torok
The Speech Coach for Executives
Win in the Boardroom with Donald Trump
Never interrupt the Donald.
When Donald Trump tells you to shut up - shut up.
Never suggest that you are like the Donald. But it's okay to suggest that you would like to be.
If your competition is getting dumped on – shut up.
Don’t even hint about Donald Trump’s hair or wives.
Don’t start your pitch with the word “honestly”.
Don’t plead, beg or cry to Mr. Trump.
Don’t fight with anyone in the boardroom. Do that before you arrive.
Confirm your alliances before you enter the boardroom.
Be prepared to address your worst question.
Don’t be glib or sarcastic.
Pause, breathe and smile before answering any question.
Turn every negative question into a positive one.
Relate details to the bigger picture.
Admit your mistakes and shortcomings.
Don’t sling mud. Make candid observations.
George Torok
The Speech Coach for Executives
Use the Microphone
The speakers before you used the microphone.
You are speaking for more than five minutes.
It is a large room.
You are soft spoken.
The room has bad acoustics.
You have something important to say.
You want to play with your vocal nuances.
If any of the above scenarios is true - Use the Microphone.
Your audience will hear you better.
Forget the macho “I don’t need a microphone” stuff.
Use the Microphone.
Your audience will hear you better.
It is easier on your throat.
You can make better use of your vocal range.
Use the Microphone.
It is your friend.
George Torok
The Speech Coach for Executives
Do not read your speech
Your lawyer instructed you to read it.
You are introducing a piece of legislation.
You are the elected leader of your country.
Reading your speech sounds cold, uncommitted and unconvincing.
If you want to sound warm – don’t read your speech.
If you want to sound passionate – don’t read your speech.
If you want to sound credible – don’t read your speech.
Don’t read your speech. It will feel like a lecture – cold and detached.
Do not read your speech.
It is okay to work from notes. Your notes should consist of key words and phrases – to remind you of what you intend to say. Glance at the key words – then deliver the rehearsed message directly to your audience.
Do not read your speech.
George Torok
The Speech Coach for Executives
Speaker Steals Intellectual Property
But sometimes people steal without realizing it - especially intellectual property. However ignorance has never been a valid legal nor ethical defense. Of course stupidity and arrogance are not acceptable arguments either.
I witnessed this speaker as she clearly used copywrited music and video in her presentation, (popular music, TV Theme song, Video commercials, main stream movies). She used so many clips from so many sources that I cannot imagine how she obtained permission. And at no time did she allay the concerns of her audience by stating that she had obtained permission to use this copywrited material.
I can only assume that she stole. She took something that wasn’t hers, didn’t get permission, didn’t pay for it nor acknowledged the source. On top of that she did it with that haughty corporate executive superior ‘can’t touch this’ attitude.
Some might suggest that the theft of Intellectual Property doesn’t hurt anyone.
Tell that to authors.
Tell that to patent holders.
Tell that to artists.
Tell that to inventors.
Yes, I know that in corporate meetings, managers and executive get away with pirating Dilbert cartoons. It’s theft. I wonder how those corporate executives would feel about entrepreneurs stealing their Intellectual property.
The irony about this speaker was that she was speaking to a public meeting of entrepreneurs. She warned entrepreneurs that corporate purchasing departments would steal their designs if they could. She warned the entrepreneurs to protect their Intellectual property.
Yet while warning about the illegal behaviour of her colleagues, she was demonstrating her own blatant theft. I don’t believe this speaker was stupid. She appeared intelligent and educated. She expressed an understanding of the value of Intellectual property, therefore could not profess ignorance. Her manner conveyed arrogance – in that Conrad Black divine entitlement way. So I can only conclude that she was a thief - a blatant and arrogant thief.
Funny that this speaker told me how excited she was that she was now writing and speaking for a professional association. I wonder if they read the headline. I wonder if she did.
Speaker Steals Intellectual Property
PS: No I will not tell you who this speaker is.
PPS: Yes, if you are this speaker and you call me to ask if I mean you – I will tell you.
George Torok
The Speech Coach for Executives
intellectual property
Two voices - at the same time!
You don’t hear either one.
When you speak be sure that your listeners are hearing one voice at a time.
Don’t talk to them while you want them to read.
Don’t talk to them while you want them to listen to an audio track.
Don’t talk to them while you want them to think.
If you want people to listen when you speak – speak only when they can listen.
George Torok
The Speech Coach for Executives
Presentation Skills Success
Your presentation is the vehicle for delivering your message and to create results. A successful presentation is one that moves people to action.
You know it was a success if... read more
George Torok
The Speech Coach for Executives
presentation skills
What is the Value of your Speech?
Is the value of your speech based on:
How long you spoke?
How long you prepared?
Your education or title?
If you are toying with any of those yardsticks – you are way off.
The real value of your speech is based on the value of what you make happen as a result of your speech.
So if your sales presentation closed a $10M deal – it was a $10M speech.
If your impassioned plea generated $30,000 in association revenue – it was a $30,000 speech.
If your presentation inspired another $100,000 in donations – it was a $100,000 speech.
If your talk inspired your staff to work together and finish the $3M project on time – it was a $3M speech.
If your speech pushed the button on a $25,000 sale – it was a $25,000 speech.
Knowing that, what will you do to better prepare?
What will you invest in making your speech a success?
Consider this: Million Dollar Speeches don’t come cheap.
George Torok
The Speech Coach for Executives
Robin Williams is a Genius

My friend and I were watching, “Robin Williams On Broadway”. We both were laughing and enjoying the antics of Robin Williams when my friend exclaimed, “Robin Williams is a genius.”
And without thinking I replied, “Yes he is a genius and a skilled master.”
My friend responded, “He is a genius.” I repeated my statement. My friend could see only the art.
Because I am trained in the skill – I saw and appreciated the technique.
Learning points:
We see what we are trained to see.
Presentation skills are more about learned skill than talent.
George Torok
The Speech Coach for Executives
Public Speaking Problem
Hi, I do a lot of public speaking. My problem is that unconsciously my eyes flutter when I speak. I speak often so I do not feel nervous, but when I watch myself on tape I am stunned at how fast my eyes flutter.
Is there something I can do to correct this?
A:Hi Mike,
A curious condition.
Hard to be sure without seeing you speak and flutter.
I wonder if your eyes tend to flutter at other times.
Are you only noticing it on your speaking tapes because you don't tape yourself at other times?Has anyone else ever pointed this out to you?
Maybe it is not a problem or maybe it is and you do it more often than you know.
If it is only occurring when you speak - then nerves and adrenalin could explain the fluttering. The eyes are cleaning themselves to prepare you for danger - fight or flight response.
Try this exercise before you speak: (Don't let your audience see you doing this)
Flutter your eyes quickly for 10 seconds. Then close your eyes for 10 seconds and while doing this breathe in and out slowing for only one cycle, i.e. breathe in for 5 seconds then exhale for 5 seconds.
Then open your eyes and focus on one point while doing the same slow breathing exercise.
This exercise can help you focus attention and control on your eyelids (even though blinking is an automatic reaction you can temporarily take control). The slow breathing conditions you to link that to your eyelids, so when you speak you only need to focus on slow breathing to have some control of your eyes.
George Torok
Executive Speech Coach
Presentation Skills Specialist
Keynote Speaker
To get your free monthly tips on presentation skills register at
public speaking
Picture your Audience in their Underwear
What stupid advice.
I understand the reason for this misinformed advice. The speaker was anxious and possibly feeling intimidated by the audience. So if the speaker could picture the audience in their underwear that might feel less intimidating.
But think about it – do you really want to see your audience in their underwear?
There are only two possibilities to this question.
Yes – you do - that would be way too distracting.
No – you don’t - that would also be way too distracting.
My advice to you?
Picture your audience as they are – contemporaries who have come to listen to what you have to say to them. Picture them as equals who have come to learn from you.
They are not better nor less than you. They are simply listening to your words of wisdom.
George Torok
The Speech Coach for Executives
Quotations about Communicating
Broadly speaking, the short words are the best, and the old words best of all.
Sir Winston Churchill
If the English language made any sense, a catastrophe would be an apostrophe with fur.
Doug Larson
He can compress the most words into the smallest ideas of any man I ever met.
Abraham Lincoln
If you would persuade, you must appeal to interest rather than intellect.
Benjamin Franklin
For more quotations on communicating.
For quotes from George Torok on presentation skills.
A great source for many quotations you might use.
George Torok
The Speech Coach for Executives
Presentation Skills Coaching
It depends .....
It depends on how important your presentations are to the success of your career or business. If you want to get there faster – then a presentation skills coach can do that faster than any other means.
It depends on how important your time is to you. There are other means of improving your presentation skills; seminars, Toastmasters and books on presentation skills. However, the best use of your time is by working with a presentation skills coach one-on-one.
It depends on the strength of your character. How well can you work closely with a coach and expose yourself to examination of your challenges? A good coach doesn’t criticize. A good coach points you in the direction to grow.
Is Presentation Skills Coaching right for you?
It depends on where you want to go and how fast you want to get there.
Look here to explore more about presentation skills coaching.
Learn more about George Torok as your presentation skills coach.
George Torok
Your Presentation Skills Coach
Blogs from George Torok
Business in Motion
Features business insights and interviews from CEOs, entrepreneurs and business innovators. An extension of my weekly radio show, Business in Motion.
George Torok Marketing
Building on the lessons of my bestselling book, Secrets of Power Marketing. This blog is clearly Power Marketing extended.
Power Marketing Secrets
Excerpts from the bestselling book, Secrets of Power Marketing. If you like what you read there you really must buy the book.
Excerpts from the final book from Peter Urs Bender, Gutfeeling. Call it what you want – Gutfeeling, instinct, intuition – but it is critical to entrepreneurs, business leaders and CEOs.
George Torok
The Speech Coach for Executives
Hands down – the answer is passion.
A speaker must have passion to be successful – with the speech and with everything else that counts.
A passionate speaker might become a powerful leader. A person without passion will never be a leader; of themselves or others.
A passionate speaker will be listened to more eagerly than a logical speaker.
A passionate speaker will be forgiven a lot of tactical errors by his audience.
Passion beats logic.
Passion saves relationships.
Passion builds companies and nations.
What is your passion? Be sure to let it show through when you speak. You will be amazed at the results.
George Torok
The Speech Coach for Executives
Presentations Success
To guarantee the success of your presentations do you need and want help to...
Design your presentation
What parts of your presentation should you rehearse more than any other part?How do you guarantee that your speech connects with your audience?How can you build in smooth transitions as you move from point to point?
Choose the wright words
What are the three most important words you should use in your speech?What deadly words and phrases should you avoid?What test can you perform to check the relevance of your words?
Grab attention & keep it
What three simple techniques can you use to grab attention?How do you keep their attention?What do you say when they seem to be fading?
The above are some of the questions and concerns that George Torok can answer for you. You might have other questions that we can address. We guarantee that your concerns will be addressed and you will notice immediate results. Your program will be delivered to meet your most pressing needs and wants.
Read more......
George Torok
The Speech Coach for Executives
presentation skills
Extraverts make bad Public Speakers
And then Bob speaks – and bombs. Everyone knows that except Bob. Bob - who believed that he was a natural presenter because he loves to talk. Bob - who craves the audience’s attention but pays no attention to the audience. Bob - who did not rehearse because he thought he was a natural. Bob - who pooh-poohs the faux pas’ because he enjoyed his presentation, “What’s wrong with the rest of you?” Bob - who ignored the little details because extraverts tend to be big picture people not good with critical details.
Extroverts tend to be bad public speakers. They can be trained but they need a lot of help. The biggest obstacle is their attitude. They do not want to be trained. They must first overcome the delusion that they are good. This can be very difficult for extraverts to accept because they crave the attention – and believe they receive attention from the admiring masses. It seldom occurs to the extravert that they might simply be the loudest and perhaps an object of ridicule.
On the learning path extraverts start at the point that they don’t know what they don’t know.
Introverts make the best public speakers.
Introverts tend to be better observers and listeners. The best speakers need to listen to their audience to see how well they are getting through. Introverts tend to be better thinkers. Specifically they think before they speak so when they say something it is clearer and more profound. Introverts listen to what they say to test it against what they want to get across. Extroverts just want to hear themselves talking but don’t care what they say.
Because introverts are not naturally born speakers they will learn the system of public speaking. They will practice the skills and techniques. They will be willing to learn. And because introverts are good thinkers they will apply the speaking techniques because they learned the ‘why’ as well as the ‘how’. Introverts expect to make mistakes and learn from them. Introverts do not expect to be perfect while extroverts believe they are perfect.
Introverts just need to speak up to be heard and they need to adjust their comfort to speaking in public.
If you are an introvert – congratulations – you have the potential to be a great public speaker. If you are an extrovert – there is always hope after you get an attitude adjustment.
George Torok
The Speech Coach for Executives
public speaker
Introduce your Guest Speaker
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Introduce your speaker |
The purpose of your introduction is twofold – to set the guest speaker for the audience and the audience for the speaker. This applies whether you are introducing the speaker to an auditorium of 2,000 conference attendees or to your sales team of 6.
Set up the guest speaker for the audience
You want the audience to be interested in the topic and to recognize why this guest speaker is the one best qualified to speak to them at this time. You want to create anticipation and credibility in the minds of the audience.
Set the audience for the speakerYou want the speaker to feel welcomed by the group. That is why the last words of introduction might be, “please welcome our speaker, George Torok”. Most speakers, even professional speakers, feel some speech anxiety as they begin their speech. There is nothing like applause and smiling faces to make your speaker feel welcomed.
Tips to prepare the introduction
Ask the speaker for a written introduction – not a bio.
Do not sabotage the credibility of the introduction by saying, “The speaker asked me to read this.”
Rehearse the introduction before you deliver it.
Ask the speaker to say their name for you – then repeat it back to check pronunciation.
Do not make jokes about the speaker – unless the speaker has instructed you to do so.
How this CEO introduced his expert speakerI heard how one CEO established instant credibility for his professional speaker who was about to speak to his account reps. The CEO first announced that he hired Peter, this expert speaker to work with them for the day to help improve sales. So he asked the group, “How much do you think I am paying this Peter?” The group got out their calculators and expressed several possibilities on how much an hour one person might charge. All of their guesstimates were miserably low. Then the CEO announced, “I’m paying Peter $10,000 to speak to you today so listen up!”
That worked. They eagerly listened.
Look here for more tips on how to introduce the guest speaker
Introduce your guest speaker well. Of course, you can use these same tips when you want someone to introduce you as the guest speaker.
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Communication Myth: 7 percent of communication is the words
It is not true – yet so many self-declared communication experts repeat it.
Those stats have been twisted from their original meaning.
The stats are from a study conducted by Albert Mehrabian in the 1960’s. He published his findings in the book “Silent Messages”. He studied the case of one person communicating to another looking for what affected the believability of the message.
Mehrabian concluded that believability is connected to likeability. Below you can read the excerpt from Albert Mehrabian’s website on this matter:
"Inconsistent communications -- the relative importance of verbal and nonverbal messages. My findings on this topic have received considerable attention in the literature and in the popular media. "Silent Messages" contains a detailed discussion of my findings on inconsistent messages of feelings and attitudes (and the relative importance of words vs. nonverbal cues) on pages 75 to 80.
Total Liking = 7% Verbal Liking + 38% Vocal Liking + 55% Facial Liking"
-Albert Mehrabian
George Torok
The Speech Coach for Executives
Speech Anxiety: Overcoming the Fear of Public Speaking
This article addresses these questions about speech anxiety and the fear of public speaking:
- Why do we fear public speaking?
- Is speech anxiety normal?
- What can we do to face our public speaking fear and speech anxiety?
Fear of Public Speaking
Speech anxiety is a general term for the sense of fear or panic that overtakes a person when he or she is called upon to speak or otherwise perform in public. There are other ways to refer to it - anxiousness, nervousness, "the jitters", stage fright, fear of public speaking, performance anxiety, etc. It usually strikes when someone has to deliver a presentation before a group of people. It makes little difference whether the audience is large or small, composed of familiar or unfamiliar faces. Psychologists consider speech anxiety to be a special case of what is commonly known as shyness. Read more...
The Speech Coach for Executives
speech anxiety
public speaking
Effective Executive Speaking
In that time I have witnessed hundreds of executives and executive-hopefuls transform their business presentations from weak, confusing and boring, into confident, clear and captivating. They become Effective Executive Speakers.
My co-instructor, John Robert Colombo and I are constantly reminded of the incredible difference that three intensive days can make to the careers and futures of those who attend Effective Executive Speaking.
Why does this program work so well?
Many reasons; but these stand out in my mind:
The two instructors have different presentation styles yet support the same principles.
The classes are small – often as small as 10 or 12. That allows each participant intense personal attention.
The participants receive both instruction and demonstration from the instructors.
The participants practise the public speaking skills on their feet – several times throughout the three-day program.
The participants receive immediate feedback from the class plus coaching and guidance from the instructors.
We have limited this program to only four times a year. If you are interested in learning about the next class visit Effective Executive Speaking and register at the Canadian Management Centre.
The Canadian Management Centre is located in downtown Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
The Canadian Management Centre is affiliated with the American Management Association.
Bottom line:
If you are an executive or executive-hopeful, would like to vastly transform your presentation skills, and are willing to invest three days of your life, then I strongly recommend that you take the program Effective Executive Speaking offered by the Canadian Management Centre.
George Torok
The Speech Coach for Executives
Toastmasters for Public Speaking
Toastmasters is an international non-profit organization that teaches public speaking skills. Toastmasters has been around since 1924.
The Toastmasters system works well. They operate as clubs that vary in size from 10 to 30 members. Most clubs meet once a week. The learning is a combination of practice, observation, manual guided and peer coaching.
It works fabulously well. Many well known public speakers benefited from Toastmasters – e.g. Lee Iacocca and Harvey McKay. Toastmasters helped me a lot in my early days of public speaking.
The regular weekly meetings help. But this might be the disadvantage for a busy executive or business owner – the TIME factor.
Do I recommend Toastmasters as a resource for learning and improving public speaking skills?
Learn more about Toastmasters at the main website. At the site you can search for clubs in your area.
George Torok
The Speech Coach for Executives
public speaking
When You have Something Important to Say- emphasise!
1. Announce, "This is important." Then give the important stuff. Teachers do this by saying, "This will be on the exam." You could state, "This is a million dollar tip."
2. Pause, just before, and after, you say the important stuff. Notice the effect of the pause at the awards night when they say, "May I have the envelope please?"
3. Lower your voice to increase the believability. Practise this, "And in conclusion," (lower your voice) "I am the best one for the job." Then try it in a higher pitched voice and notice the difference.
4. Make them laugh just before, then get serious and deliver the important message. When we laugh we open our minds and are more willing to accept new information.
5. Move before - then stand still while delivering the important stuff. This is especially effective for those who pace or move a lot when they speak.
6. Look your audience in the eye - don't read the important stuff. If you have to read it - then it looks like you don't really know it or believe it.
7. Smile. We believe those who smile at us. We also prefer to listen to speakers who smile at us. We listen with our eyes and our ears.
8. Tell a story of how this lesson was learned or applied. The earliest lessons were stories told by our cave-dwelling ancestors. They were remembered. If only the lecturers of today remembered the wisdom of our ancestors.
9. Repeat it three times during your presentation. If you want it remembered - repeat it and repeat it again.
10. Reinforce the message with images. We retain images better than words. Attach your message to word pictures, visuals and body language.
George Torok
The Speech Coach for Executives
Richard Schmalensee on Running a Business
-Richard L. Schmalensee
Dean, MIT Sloan School of Management
George Torok
The Speech Coach for Executives
Twist Clichés
If you want to stand out, be different. You can still use clichés as a resource. But don’t repeat them the way you hear them. That is boring.
Instead - twist clichés to make them more interesting, surprising and memorable. Your audience will wake up when you twist a cliché into something more relevant, and they will remember and repeat your words.
Want some examples?
Better late than never - Better on time than late
Rome wasn’t built in a day - Home wasn’t built in a payday
Spinning your wheels - Winning your deals
Piece of cake – Price a steak
Slam dunk - Damn drunk
Sweetheart deal - Sweet tart steal
Take a bath - Stake a path
Street smarts – Sidewalk sense
Affairs of the heart – A fare of the cart
40 days and 40 nights – For the bays and for the sights
These are ideas. Use them, abuse them and amuse them.
George Torok
The Speech Coach for Executives
Bad News Lies
They will know that you are lying so they will wonder what else is not true.
When it is time to deliver bad news – deliver it as succinctly as you can. Leave out the editorializing.
For example, don’t say "This will hurt me more than you" while you are announcing layoffs. It doesn’t hurt you because you are not laid off. So stop lying to people.
They won’t believe you and most likely will hate you for lying more than for announcing the bad news.
When you need to deliver bad news, state it briefly and clearly. Then shut up. If there is an upside – state that too. Then shut up.
Learning Point:
Know when to shut up.
George Torok
The Speech Coach for Executives
Tell me a Story
Your listeners prefer to hear your message conveyed in stories.
Because stories are engaging, instructive and memorable.
The better you can tell your stories the more successful a speaker you will be.
Learn how to create and tell your stories, thereby becoming a more compelling speaker.
Learn more about the next teleseminar - July 27, 2006.
Register for this teleseminar - How to Create and Tell Your Stories.
Limited number of lines.
Hurry before it is all booked up.
Be a better speaker when you are a better storyteller.
George Torok
Speech Coach for Executives
Executive Speaking Skills
Clear purpose
Attention to detail
Appreciation for the skill of public speaking
Preparing for the speech
Embarrassing executive speakers don’t prepare. They believe that their presence or message is important enough to make up for their lack of preparation. Sometimes that might be true. But why take the chance? Why embarrass yourself? Why not prepare and develop better presentation skills?
George Torok
Speech Coach for Executives
Harvey MacKay on customer knowledge
Bestselling author, CEO
Beware the Naked Man Who Offers You His Shirt
George Torok
The Speech Coach for Executives
Power Presentation Tip
Be clear on why you are speaking.
Understand your purpose because that will help you be more successful.
Before you speak ask yourself this critical question:
"What do I want people to do, think or feel after I speak?"
Whenever you deliver a business presentation you want to influence what your listeners do, think or feel.
When you prepare to speak ask that question of yourself – and be honest. If you don’t know why you are speaking your presentation will fail. If you don’t know why you are speaking you should not speak.
Once you know why, you can design your presentation to meet that goal. If you know where you are going you are more likely to get there.
If you know your purpose it will be easier for you to cut the unnecessary tangents. You will be more focused and your presentation will be more successful.
Some possible results that you might expect from your listeners:
Do you want them to -
Buy your product
Invest in your project
Support the team
Give you the money
Feel good about your role
Donate to your cause
Work harder to reach the goal
Recruit more members
Change their perspective
Believe in the dream
Promote the cause
What do you want people to do, think or feel after you speak?
Speak on purpose and you will achieve your purpose.
George Torok
The Speech Coach for Executives
David Conrath on Knowledge
David Conrath
Dean, DeGroot School of Business
George Torok
The Speech Coach for Executives
How to Select Your Speech Coach
How can you best achieve that?
The fastest and surest way to dramatically improve any skill set is to work with a coach.
Warriors have been doing that for eons. Artists have been doing that for centuries. Athletes have been doing that for decades. And for some time business leaders have been fast-forwarding their business skills by working with a mentor or coach.
Presenting, public speaking or delivering a speech are all skill based. Luck and talent play a very small part. To be a better presenter you need to develop your skills.
You should do some research on your own. Assess your ability. Recognize both your strengths and weaknesses. Observe other speakers with a critical eye and ear. Read some books or listen to tapes. When you are ready to grow, work with a good speech coach.
A good speech coach will ask you what you have done to improve your presentation skills before he agrees to work with you.
A good speech coach is one who is a doer as well as a teacher. A good speech coach has delivered speeches or presentations in circumstances similar to what you face. He understands the issues and challenges and speaks from experience – not just sitting on the sidelines.
You might have heard the old joke: Those that can – do. Those that can’t – teach.
A good speech coach is one who can, has done and does – as well as teaching.
That might seem like a lot to expect from your speech coach. Yes it is – but that is what a good speech coach is.
When you are ready to work with your speech coach here are a few questions you might ask of him:
“How often do you speak?”
“What types of groups have you spoken to?”
“What presentation challenges have you faced?”
“How do you stay good?”
George Torok
The Speech Coach for Executives
Tell Better Stories and get better results
Learn how to create and tell your stories to be a more compelling speaker.
Learn more about the next teleseminar - July 27, 2006.
Register for the teleseminar - How to Create and Tell Your Stories.
Limited number of lines.
Hurry before it is all booked up.
Presentation Power does not come from PowerPoint
George Torok
The Speech Coach for Executives
Master the pause – it will make you a master
read more
George Torok
The Speech Coach for Executives
Jack Welch

“An overburdened, overstretched executive is the best executive, because he or she doesn't have the time to meddle, to deal in trivia, to bother people.”
-Jack Welch
CEO General Electric 1981-2001
AKA “Neutron Jack”
George Torok
The Speech Coach for Executives
Quote Business Leaders
It shows your listeners that you are more current and more relevant.
Stop using stupid and boring clichés when you present. Instead use quotes from current or recent business leaders. That shows more insight – and it is more interesting to listen to.
To help you, I will post some powerful quotes from proven business leaders on this blog.
When you use a quote from someone else be sure to name the source. Two reasons: Give credit to the originator. When you name the source you tap into their credibility.
You might have read the quotes in previous posts from Mary Kay Ash and Richard Branson. Over the next several weeks you will find quotes from other business leaders including: Jack Welch, Donald Trump, Michael Dell, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Victor Kiam, Anita Roddick, Sam Walton, Peter Ueberroth, George Soros…
When I find more good ones I will post them for you as well.
George Torok
The Speech Coach for Executives
Richard Branson

“I believe in benevolent dictatorship provided I am the dictator.”
Sir Richard Charles Nicholas Branson
Entrepreneur extraordinaire, adventurer, maverick
Founder of:
Virgin Records
Virgin Atlantic Airways
Virgin Mobile
Virgin Trains
Virgin Express
Virgin Galactic
Unofficial Branson Blog
George Torok
Speech Coach for Executives
Speaking Mastery - what does it look like?
I spoke with professional speaking colleagues. Collectively these four represent about 90 years in the business of professional speaking. They are all members of CAPS, the Canadian Association of Professional Speakers. Their styles, as speakers, are as different as their responses to my question. And you will notice some common elements. Enjoy their comments.
How do you recognize mastery in speakers?
“A natural, easy style – especially the ease of doing difficult things without breaking a sweat. They clearly enjoy themselves and exude confidence. Their delivery is free-flowing, like a maestro.”
Jim Beaubien, Ph.D., CSP, HoF
“I know I am looking at it when I am not aware of it unless I am looking for it. With master speakers, you have to really look at what they do with pacing and pausing to see the technique. In our business, as with most others, it takes a certain level of competence to even recognize it. One surgeon could watch another take out an appendix and say, ‘Wow, that was masterful’, but you or I would probably not recognize the level of mastery.”
Warren Evans, CSP, HoF
“There is flow – integrated, flawless and seamless. No matter what they are doing, they demonstrate the pinnacle of the craft. My sister the dentist told me that when she started she knew what she was doing, but it took s-o-o-o long; now it flows.”
Linda Tarrant, CSP, HoF
“By their level of confidence and engagement. They are there for the audience, not for themselves. You sense mastery emotionally and intellectually more that through the other senses. True mastery even touches you from a spiritual perspective. I have heard very good speakers who did not touch me.”
Larry Pearson, CSP
George Torok
Speech Coach for Executives
CAPS Former National Board Member
professional speaker
Choose Your Speech Coach Wisely
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Executive Speech Coach |
Working with a speech coach can be an intimate and unnerving experience.
What might you want from your speech coach?
An effective speech coach must be confident and capable enough to be direct with you – to encourage you, to challenge you and to guide you.
An effective speech coach must be able to identify and build on your strengths.
An effective speech coach must understand your needs, your audience and your message.
An effective speech coach must ask you direct, discovering and guiding questions.
An effective speech coach must demonstrate experience and success as a speech coach and speaker.
An effective speech coach must be an effective public speaker and communicator.
An effective speech coach must be constructive – not sarcastic.
An effective speech coach will help you uncover the best way for you to convey your message.
An effective speech coach will leave you a far better speaker.
An effective speech coach will leave you feeling good about yourself.
George Torok
The Speech Coach for Executives
speech coach
Mary Kay Ash

“Pretend that every single person you meet has a sign around his or her neck that says, ‘Make me feel important’. Not only will you succeed in sales, you will succeed in life.”
-Mary Kay Ash (1918-2001)
Founder Mary Kay Cosmetics
George Torok
The Speech Coach for Executives
Smile - say cheese!
It might have sounded corny – but it worked. Smile for the camera. Why? Because you always look better when you smile. In fact the best beauty secret is not a cream or lotion – it is a smile.
It looks better for a picture and it looks better for your presentation.
read more
George Torok
The Speech Coach for Executives
Presentation Question Two
Too many presenters fail to answer this question. They fail and they wonder why.
Maybe you have good information to present. Maybe it is true and important. But if your listener doesn’t get it – your presentation failed.
This question is especially important when you are presenting information. Because of information overload we are trained to ignore information. It is a survival technique; helps keep us closer to sanity. (When it comes to sanity – close is good enough)
So what is this question?
“So what?”
You say, “The competition launched a new product.”
Your listeners think, “So What?”
You need to tell them why that is important and what that means to them. You need to convey relevance to the information.
Here are two phrases that you might use:
“What that means to you…..”
“The reason I tell you that…..”
Before your next presentation think about the “So what?” and answer that question every time you present information. Give relevance.
George Torok
The Speech Coach for Executives
Presentation Question One
Ask this critical question and you will be more successful in your speaking. You will be better able to adapt the length of your presentation to last minute changes. You will look and feel more confident and convincing. You will be better prepared to handle questions and interruptions. You will be able to avoid wasteful tangents. You will stay focused.
The question that you should ask yourself before every presentation is this:
What do you want your audience to do, think or feel when you are finished speaking?
If you don’t ask this question you might be wasting time – yours and theirs.
If you ask this question – you will know why you are speaking. If you don’t know why you are speaking – you are wasting time and embarrassing yourself.
When you know what you want your audience to do, think or feel, then you can test every phrase you speak, every slide and every prop for how well it helps or hinders your purpose.
George Torok
The Speech Coach for Executives
PS: This question also applies to everything you write – including your marketing material.
PPS: The first question I ask an executive when coaching their presentation is, “What is your purpose for speaking?”
Cliché hell
Please stop using clichés. It is like vomit - Regurgitated bile. Hell is a place where everyone speaks in clichés. Most of us are already suffering from listening to clichés. Some of us are guilty of spreading them.
It reeks of unoriginality. It is not clever. It is lazy.
Every time you parrot something that we heard before – you diminish yourself. And we tend to stop listening when we already heard it before.
The exception to this is the use of distinctive quotations – which I will discuss in another post. For example, Shakespeare never goes out of style.
So, which clichés push my barf nerve?
Pushing the envelope
Thinking outside the box
Raise the bar
Win – win
There is no ‘I’ in team
Go over his head
Bend over backwards
Just business – nothing personal
Nose to the grindstone
The full nine yards
Thirty thousand foot level
Working my fingers to the bone
Another day, another dollar
Put your money where your mouth is
Clichés are boring, unimaginative and destructive.
If that is the way you want to be remembered – use clichés. You will be quickly forgotten.
If you want to be different – be different. And you will be remembered.
In another post I will talk about how to twist clichés to make you more interesting, effective and memorable.
George Torok
The Speech Coach for Executives
Do Not Think on your Feet
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Don't Think on Feet - Your Feet don't think well. |
It is too dangerous. When you try to wing it you leave too much to chance. You might be sharp today. Or, you might be ill or even in a foul mood.
Stop thinking on your feet. It will get you into trouble soon.
Instead, be prepared. The only thing you should do on your feet is consider options.
Analyze your presentation, the strengths, the weak points, and your audience. Consider the possible questions, objections and interruptions. Then prepare and rehearse your response to all of them.
Why should you do that much work? Because the pros do it. Plan strategies and tactics to deal with the possible challenges.
But – don’t think on your feet. That is pure suicide.
George Torok
Speech Coach for Executives
Donald Trump on Boardroom Presentations
Watch Donald Trump on the Apprentice. You might notice these unwritten rules about surviving in the boardroom with Mr. Trump.
1. Hair doesn’t count – when you are the boss.
2. The one who enters the boardroom last has the most power.
3. Make them squirm before you skewer them.
4. Pretend to offer them hope.
5. Pretend to give advice while you torture them.
6. Encourage your underlings to fight amongst themselves.
7. Sit in the position of most power.
8. Don’t mince words – you’re fired
9. Never gloat. Appear to be the reluctant but righteous deity.
10. Make the disgraced leave the boardroom first.
© George Torok has delivered many boardroom presentations over a 20-year corporate management history. He now works with executives and managers to help them succeed with their boardroom presentations.
Torok is the “Speech Coach for Executives”. Get your free presentation tips every month by registering at You can arrange for George Torok to work with you and your executives by calling 905-335-1997
Donald Trump
boardroom presentation
Speech Anxiety: Overcoming the Fear of Public Speaking
This article addresses these questions about speech anxiety and the fear of public speaking.
Why do we fear public speaking?
Is speech anxiety normal?
What can we do to face our public speaking fear and speech anxiety?
Fear of Public Speaking
Speech anxiety is a general term for the sense of fear or panic that overtakes a person when he or she is called upon to speak or otherwise perform in public. There are other ways to refer to it: anxiousness, nervousness, "the jitters", stage fright, fear of public speaking, performance anxiety, etc. It usually strikes when someone has to deliver a presentation before a group of people. It makes little difference whether the audience is large or small, composed of familiar or unfamiliar faces. Psychologists consider speech anxiety to be a special case of what is commonly known as shyness. Read more…
Speech Coach for Executives
George Torok
Weak presentation skills can hurt you
You stand to lose:
Strong presentation skills will advance your success more than any other skill.
With effective presentation skills you will win more:
Money, profit
Sales, leads
People, followers and advocates
Morale, excitement and action
It might not seem fair but presentation style can make or break your message.
George Torok
Speech Coach for Executives
Boardroom Presentations: Sweat like a Horse
Beware of Boardroom Landmines
The boardroom is a place of punishment. It is where management and executives go to thrash the last bad quarter results and beat up somebody. Whoever presents today in the boardroom is the target for today’s flogging. Hence just entering the boardroom stirs up a defensive and offensive attitude in most meeting attendees. They are ready to defend their own performance and at the same time attack someone else just to escape. A boardroom is not a place to birth new ideas – it is a place to crucify suspected sinners, torture under-performers and kill dreamers.
The physical step-up of the boardroom is adversarial. The meeting attendees face each other across the table. They are not facing the speaker. In fact, to face the speaker they must turn their head and expose themselves to the physical discomfort of a kinked neck.
Read the rest of this article
George Torok
Speech Coach for Executives
boardroom presentation
Dupont letter
I am happy to report that George's presentation was very well received and made an important contribution to a successful meeting. George delivered on all accounts and them some. I especially enjoyed his manner of engaging, informing and entertaining us. We laughed at his anecdotes, pondered his insights on communication and scribbled his presentation tips. A great learning for all of us was the degree to which delivery is important to a successful presentation, versus the traditional obsession with the content.
I found it curious that George did all this without PowerPoint. And thanks for the useful tips for those of us who feel we must use PowerPoint.
I highly recommend George Torok as a keynote speaker and presentations skills expert for any organization where there are people who want to communicate and present more powerfully.
Derrick Russell
Corporate Marketing Manager
DuPont Canada
John Robert Colombo
After a session with George, I find I have picked up at least one new fact (or novel approach) to a problem (or a possibility) in spoken (or written) communication. So I value our association over and above our work as a team.
One of George’s special talents is his ability to bring out the best in other people. He is able to put his finger on the key passage of a speech or a report and right away find a better way to express it in words, tones, or gestures. He regularly works on a one-to-one basis with senior business managers and corporate executives to assist them in the drafting and the delivery of their messages in the most effective ways possible.
What surprises me the most about George is his ability "to turn a negative into a positive”. Because of his background in business and marketing, and because of his experience as a course leader and an executive coach, he shows genius in taking an ordinary, neutral, or negative statement and immediately transforming it into a message of hope, power, or achievement.
John Robert Colombo, C.M., D.Litt.
President, Colombo & Company; author of "Colombo's Canadian Quotations", editor of "Canadian Global Almanac", and other popular reference books
Canadian Institute of Management
Wow! Look what one CIM member said after hearing George Torok speak. Creative and expressive!
G reat
E ducational
O utgoing
R aconteur
G enerous
E ntertaining
T alented
O utgoing
R esonating
O rator
K nowledge
George is all of these words and more!! George will skillfully show you how to “Present Yourself with Power”. We had a terrific turnout at our dinner meeting – the best that I have seen. George knows how to engage his audience. George offered to continue teaching us through his many articles and free offers from his website. Thank you, George, for sharing your wonderful talent with us.
Kathi Kirsch, C.I.M.
V.P. Marketing
Canadian Institute of Management
Hamilton Branch
George Torok – speaker, trainer, role model
“Your work with our Directors was just what we wanted and I appreciated the fact that you used your extensive knowledge and skills in a coaching style delivery.”
Carol Ford
Training and Development Specialist
Bombardier Aerospace
“George led an informative and thoughtful discussion in a very entertaining package. Not only did I learn ways to improve my presentation skills, but also to improve my day-to-day communication.”
Kathleen D’Amico
McMaster Alumni Association
"A tremendous success! Your keynote address was nothing short of excellent. I will be pleased to not only engage your services in the future but also recommend that others do the same."
Thomas W. Porter
Regional Director
Tradebank Canada
"Your information was great! You gave delegates a fantastic presentation that presented solid training in a highly entertaining package. As one delegate raved, 'This stuff was gold'."
Anne Babej
Director, Professional Development
Canadian Professional Sales Association
"George gave us a great example of how it's done from opening to closing. 100% rated him as excellent. Great content – really helpful."
Farah Allen-Goldson
Human Resource Professionals Association of Ontario
"The speaker not to be missed – George Torok gave us a compelling presentation on how to deliver a message with impact."
Suzanne Wredenhagen
Board of Trade Young Professionals
George Torok
Speech Coach for Executives
The CEO as Chief Public Speaker
• Leader and Chief Role Model
• Corporate Culture Setter
• Chief Marketing Person
• Chief Sales Person
• Chief Mapmaker
• Chief Trust Builder
• Chief Public Speaker
If you are the CEO of your organization
Your staff, the industry and the public are watching you. When you hide we wonder why? What might you be hiding? As CEO you must be putting your best foot and face forward often. We need to hear your message. We are watching you – what you do, say and how you say it. Put your face and message in front of your staff, your clients and the market place. And each time you do – do it with intent.
We want to know who we can trust
Can we trust your organization? To answer that question we need to know you. Can we trust you? We expect you to be ethical, open and available. If you are not, then we don’t believe that you are adding value to us. We quickly punish organizations that abuse our trust.
Why should the CEO speak in public?
It allows the public to put a face to your company. And we prefer to deal with people instead of faceless corporations. It will help to build confidence with customers, investors, suppliers and staff. MBWA goes much farther then hanging around the water cooler. It might offer you free publicity to get your message out with far more credibility than advertising.
How to improve your return on investment
Invest in the skill development of you and your key people. Invest in presentation skills coaching for your CEO. Invest in presentation skills training for all your key executives. Invest in communication skills training for your managers and sales professionals. Work with George Torok, The Speech Coach for Executives to train your executives for maximum return on investment.
You can call George Torok for a private consultation at 905-335-1997
If you reach his private voice mail – please say the best times and number to reach you.You can learn more at